【轉知】3rd Global Peace Summit 2024 – Empowering Future Leaders for Global Peace (Bangkok, Thailand)

轉知 「3rd Global Peace Summit 2024 」活動訊息如下:

Humanitarian Peace ambassador

The 3rd Global Peace Summit provides a momentous diplomatic and academic platform for students to hear from distinguished global peacebuilding leaders, network with like-minded youth and undertake Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador program. Unlike conventional conferences as described by a previous delegate the Summit allows students “see the world in a new way, whilst simultaneously structuring bridges of support and resources” (Dyana Satya Moitinho Freitas, Australia). The role serves as a compelling testament to the influential role that young individuals play in driving positive change.

1. 活動時間: 2024年1月10日至12日;申請截止: 2023年11月20日(請本院有意願報名之學生於112年11月6日(週一)前先向系所單位報名)
2. 地點: 泰國曼谷 United Nations Conference Centre
3. 費用: 美金1284元(含7%稅金,4晚雙/三人房住宿、3日餐點(不含晚餐)、當地交通、參加證書及活動參加費。學生另需負擔來回機票、保險、跨國匯款手續費及其他個人開銷。)
4. 活動主旨: 培養青年領袖成為和平大使。
5. 名額: 7名。
6. 報名表、活動簡章、行程表等相關資訊, 請參閱下方附件。
