Life in the Time of COVID-19: Personal Reflections and Lessons Learned

Ruo-Yu Cheng
Department of Chinese as a Second Language


The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a significant impact on our lives for over two years now. As we have navigated through this unprecedented time, our lives have been affected in many ways. While some of these effects have been negative, such as the loss of loved ones, others have been positive, such as discovering new hobbies or redefining our priorities. In this article, I will discuss the changes that I have experienced during the pandemic and the impacts that they have had on my life.

One of the most significant changes for me during the pandemic has been the shift to remote work. While this transition has been challenging at times, I have also found it to be a positive experience. I have had the opportunity to learn new skills, such as how to use virtual meeting software and collaborate with my colleagues online. Additionally, remote work has allowed me to have more control over my schedule, which has helped me to balance my work and personal life more effectively.

However, the pandemic has not been without its challenges. One of the most significant difficulties I have faced is the isolation that comes with remote work. Without the usual social interactions that occur in an office setting, I have had to find new ways to connect with my colleagues and maintain a sense of community. Despite this, I have found that connecting with my colleagues virtually has provided new opportunities for building relationships and strengthening our team.

Another positive change that I have experienced during the pandemic has been the opportunity to focus on my personal growth. With the extra time that I have had due to lockdowns and restrictions, I have been able to explore new hobbies and develop new skills. For example, I have taken up baking, which has not only been a fun and creative outlet but has also allowed me to share my creations with others.

Finally, I believe that there are changes that have been brought about by the pandemic that are worth keeping. One of these changes is the focus on mental health and self-care. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally. I believe that this emphasis on self-care and mental health should continue even after the pandemic has ended.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our lives. While there have been challenges and difficulties, there have also been positive changes and opportunities for growth. For me, the shift to remote work has provided new opportunities for learning and personal development. However, I have also experienced the isolation that comes with remote work and the need to find new ways to connect with colleagues. Additionally, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health and self-care, which should be continued even after the pandemic has ended. Overall, the pandemic has taught us to be more adaptable, resilient, and empathetic towards each other, and I believe that these are valuable lessons that we should carry forward.