| Student Exchange

1. About Outgoing Exchange Students

NTNU students, who complete enrollment and pay the tuition fees, have the opportunity to be considered to study away from Taiwan at one of the University’s partner institutions for one semester or a full year by participating in the student exchange program. To study abroad, outgoing exchange students only need to pay tuition fees to NTNU. When the programs end, the host university will send the official transcript to the outgoing exchange students and students will earn course credits that transfer back to NTNU, allowing them to stay on track with their curriculum.

2. NTNU outgoing exchange students can be divided into three categories: school-level, college-level, and department-level exchange students:

  •  School-level exchange student:
All NTNU students can apply and participate in the selection.

  •  College-level exchange student:
All NTNU students can apply, whereas CISS (College of International Studies and Social Science) students will be given priority for consideration in the selection process.

  •  Department-level exchange student:
Please check the guidelines from each department.

Note: All levels of exchange students can apply scholarships and their credits can be transferred back to NTNU (as long as they receive official transcript from the host uni).

1. To be eligible for the International Exchange Program, both undergraduates and postgraduates must have already studied at NTNU for one semester (or above) at their current degree and they must remain as CISS students during the exchange period.

2. Those who fulfill the criteria set by the host university.

3. International students and Overseas Chinese students are not allowed to apply to study abroad in their home country.

4. International students who earn Taiwan scholarship are forbidden to apply for exchange program. If they insist on applying, they are required to give up scholarships during exchange period.

CISS students can participate in the international exchange program more than one time, but no more than two times. Each exchange period will be determined by the host university, but the period must not be longer than one academic year.

The combined period for exchange program cannot be longer than two semesters.


College-level exchange student: the online application for Fall semester will be open in March/April and the selection will end around mid-April; the online application for Spring semester will be open in September/October and the selection will end around mid-October.

※ Note 1: Please check the CISS website constantly for the exact date to submit your application.

※ Note 2: Students who are selected by the College of International Studies and Social Sciences must get confirmation for study acceptance from the host university.

1. Each year, exchange students sharing event will be held in May and November by the Office of International Affairs. Students who wish to apply for the international exchange program are encouraged to attend the event.
2. To learn more about school-level exchange program, please go to: Online Application ⧉
Note: If you wish to view the “Online Application” page in English, please use the computer to view the page, right-click your mouse to see the context menu, and on the context menu, select “Translate text into English”.