APEC App Challenge 2023 (dealine:2023/5/19)


How can we help MSMEs and other groups with untapped economic potential participate in global digitally-enabled trade and the international marketplace?

The internet and digital tools have created new opportunities to build a more inclusive global trade landscape. Digitally-enabled trade significantly reduces the cost of internationalization, allowing micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and traditionally underrepresented communities such as women, minorities, and other groups with untapped economic potential, such as Indigenous Peoples as appropriate, people with disabilities, and those from remote and rural communities, to connect with global customers and expand beyond their home markets.

In line with the 2023 APEC theme: “Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All”—which focuses on the interconnected concepts of “resiliency,” “sustainability,” and “inclusivity”—this year’s APEC App Challenge aims to enable MSMEs and other groups with untapped economic potential to seize the unprecedented opportunity to participate in global digitally-enabled trade.

Information link: https://www.apec.org/app-challenge/apec-app-challenge-2023

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